Thursday, July 12, 2007

Infobib : Library blogs in Russia

As I have already posted, I was very surprised and flattered, when in the end of May I was asked to write a sort of article about Russian biblioblogoshere for the international project Infobib. I also must confess that I first agreed and then started thinking what I will be writing about, as at that moment I was sure I was the only librarian blogger in Russia. The situation has changed recently. I have learned that my friend and coworker Marianna Ponikarovskaya has a kind of blog on library related topics. And in the end of June Russian State Library has also started blogging. So, one can say that nowadays there are at least three library blogs in Russia.

The rest of the post read on Infobib next week. As soon as it appears there, I'll post a link.

1 comment:

RajLibrarian said...

Thats great Katerina! Keep in up.

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